The True and Toxic View - Late Aster
Exploring the realm of visual-music, where form, line and color push and pull through space – The True and Toxic View plays with the idea of visuals embodying instrumentation. A song that questions perception, visual elements synchronize gestures of sonic voices: trumpets, french horns, synths, and warming vocals. I chose painterly ink washes with textural fan brush strokes, while layering and overlapping digital blends to guide viewers to see deeper through rhythmic and hypnotizing patterns. 

Contrasting both the fluid paper textures and the geometric shapes these design elements focus on visual-music, an ode to synesthesia and abstract painting. Ultimately, the song’s lyrical and melodic journey drives the ending with a sense of clarity, swirling out from dark immersion and lifted into a lighter realm.


Direction, Design, and Animation
Kelsey Boncato


Late Aster


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